OneStream Press is the book publishing arm of OneStream Software. Our purpose is to develop and deliver the kinds of practical, real-world books (and eBooks) that enable our readers to get the very most out of this world-leading CPM platform.
Our debut title, published on March 30th 2021, was the OneStream Foundation Handbook, written by an outstanding in-house team at OneStream – the Architect Factory – who know the technology inside and out. Over 16 chapters, readers can explore topics such as Design and Build, Workflows, Performance, Security, and more.

Our follow-up title was OneStream Planning: The Why, How and When – a first-class book by Cameron Lackpour and Celvin Kattookaran that covers the power and potential of Planning in OneStream. It was closely followed by Jon Golembiewski’s outstanding OneStream Finance Rules and Calculations Handbook.
On September 14th 2022, our fourth title was released… the OneStream Financial Close Handbook.